Health, Safety and Wellbeing  /  First Aid and Medical Response Policy

First Aid and Medical Response Policy

1. Policy Statement

Our organization is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all employees, contractors, and visitors by providing access to first aid and prompt medical response in the event of injuries, illnesses, or emergencies. This policy outlines the roles, procedures, and resources to effectively address medical incidents in the workplace.

2. Purpose

This policy is designed to:

  • Provide guidance on the provision of first aid and medical response in the workplace.
  • Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations regarding first aid preparedness.
  • Promote a culture of safety and readiness to handle medical emergencies.

3. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and visitors present on organizational premises or at work-related events. It also applies to off-site work environments where employees are performing job-related duties.

4. Roles and Responsibilities

4.1 Employees

Employees are responsible for:

  • Reporting any injuries, illnesses, or medical emergencies to their manager or the designated first aider immediately.
  • Following first aid and medical response procedures outlined in this policy.
  • Participating in first aid training, if required for their role.

4.2 First Aiders

Designated first aiders are responsible for:

  • Providing immediate first aid to injured or ill individuals.
  • Maintaining first aid kits and ensuring supplies are stocked and within expiry dates.
  • Reporting and documenting incidents requiring first aid intervention.

4.3 Management

Management is responsible for:

  • Ensuring adequate first aid resources and trained personnel are available.
  • Providing employees with access to first aid training where necessary.
  • Reviewing and updating first aid procedures in line with legal requirements.

5. First Aid Kits

First aid kits will be strategically placed throughout the workplace and will include, at a minimum:

  • Adhesive bandages of various sizes.
  • Antiseptic wipes and solutions.
  • Sterile gauze pads and adhesive tape.
  • Disposable gloves.
  • CPR face shields or masks.
  • Scissors and tweezers.

First aid kits will be inspected regularly to ensure they are adequately stocked and comply with health and safety standards.

6. Medical Emergencies

In the event of a medical emergency:

  • Contact emergency services immediately by dialing 911.
  • Provide first aid within the scope of the first aider’s training until professional medical help arrives.
  • Ensure the injured or ill person is kept comfortable and reassured.

7. Training and Certification

The organization will provide first aid training to designated employees to ensure they are equipped to handle medical incidents. Training will cover:

  • Basic first aid techniques.
  • CPR and AED (automated external defibrillator) usage.
  • Recognizing and responding to medical emergencies.

Certifications will be renewed as required to ensure compliance and readiness.

8. Incident Reporting and Documentation

All medical incidents requiring first aid or professional medical attention must be reported and documented using the organization’s incident reporting system. Reports should include:

  • Details of the incident (date, time, location).
  • The nature of the injury or illness.
  • The first aid provided and any follow-up actions.

9. Accessibility

The organization will ensure first aid resources and support are accessible to all employees, including those with disabilities or special needs. Employees requiring specific accommodations should inform their manager or HR.

10. Compliance with Legal Requirements

This policy complies with all applicable health and safety regulations and standards related to workplace first aid. Any changes to legal requirements will be reflected in updates to this policy.

11. Monitoring and Review

This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure effectiveness and compliance with current regulations. Feedback from employees and first aiders will be considered to improve first aid procedures.

12. Additional Considerations

  • Employees are encouraged to participate in voluntary first aid training if interested.
  • The organization may provide additional resources, such as wellness programs or occupational health services, to support employee health.

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