Compensation and Benefits  /  Holiday and Public Holiday Policy

Holiday and Public Holiday Policy

1. Policy Statement 

Our organization recognizes the importance of holidays in supporting employee well-being and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This policy provides clear guidelines on annual leave entitlements, public holiday observances, and procedures for requesting and managing time off.

2. Purpose 

This policy aims to:

  • Define employee entitlements to annual leave and public holidays.
  • Provide a transparent process for requesting and scheduling leave.
  • Ensure fairness and consistency in granting holidays across all teams.
  • Support compliance with local labor laws and regulations regarding leave and public holidays.

3. Scope

This policy applies to all employees, including full-time, part-time, temporary, and contract workers. Specific leave entitlements may vary based on employment type, tenure, and location.

4. Definitions

  • Annual Leave: Paid time off accrued by employees for personal use, including vacations and personal days.
  • Public Holiday: Officially designated non-working days as per local government regulations.
  • Carryover Leave: Unused annual leave that may be transferred to the next leave year, subject to approval and policy limits.
  • Leave Accrual: The process by which employees earn annual leave over time.

5. Annual Leave Entitlement

Employees are entitled to:

  • Full-Time Employees: 20 days of paid annual leave per year, accrued monthly or as specified in their employment contract.
  • Part-Time Employees: Pro-rated annual leave based on the number of hours worked.
  • Temporary and Contract Workers: Leave entitlements based on their specific agreements or local regulations.
  • Carryover Leave: Employees may carry over up to 5 days of unused leave to the following year, subject to managerial approval.

6. Public Holidays

  • Observed Holidays: The organization will observe all public holidays as mandated by local laws. A full list of observed holidays will be shared at the start of each calendar year.
  • Substitution Days: If a public holiday falls on a non-working day, a substitute day off will be provided where applicable.
  • Shift Workers: Employees required to work on a public holiday may receive an alternative day off or additional compensation, as outlined in their employment agreements.

7. Leave Request Process

Employees must follow these steps to request annual leave:

  1. Submit a leave request through the designated HR system or to their direct manager at least two weeks in advance.
  2. Include the desired leave dates and any supporting information, if required.
  3. Await approval from the manager or HR before making any travel or personal plans.

8. Leave Approval Guidelines

Leave requests will be evaluated based on:

  • Operational Requirements: Ensuring adequate coverage for business operations during the requested period.
  • Fair Distribution: Balancing leave requests to ensure fairness across teams, particularly during peak periods.
  • Timeliness: Prioritizing requests submitted well in advance.

9. Leave Cancellation

Employees who wish to cancel or reschedule approved leave must notify their manager or HR as soon as possible. The organization will make every effort to accommodate such changes but cannot guarantee rescheduling for the same period.

10. Unused Leave

  • Year-End Leave: Employees are encouraged to use their annual leave within the same leave year to promote work-life balance.
  • Compensation for Unused Leave: Unused leave will not be compensated unless required by local laws or outlined in the employment agreement.

11. Monitoring and Compliance

The organization will regularly monitor leave usage to ensure adherence to policy guidelines and compliance with local labor laws. Any deviations will be addressed promptly.

12. Misuse of Leave

Employees found to be misusing leave entitlements, such as providing false information or failing to adhere to the leave request process, may face disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

13. Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure alignment with legal requirements, industry practices, and organizational needs. Updates or amendments will be communicated to all employees promptly.

14. Additional Considerations

  • The organization reserves the right to adjust holiday schedules or entitlements in response to business needs or legal changes.
  • Employees are encouraged to communicate with their manager or HR for any leave-related concerns or clarifications.
  • Feedback on the policy and holiday schedules is welcome to ensure continuous improvement.

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