Post this job for free on TalentHR
How does it work?
Starts on the right foot
Add the employment status and location, edit and format your text, and use the form to create a free TalentHR account in seconds.
Matches your budget
Share your job on your channels via a shareable link. You can also publish it on your website with TalentHR’s WordPress integration, or create a custom careers page to showcase it.
Focuses your energy
Explore all TalentHR features, including onboarding, time off tracking, asset management, performance reviews, and more with a 14-day free trial. After the trial, choose a plan or continue with the free version for basic features.
Take admin off your plate and get back to growing your business
TalentHR takes the hassle out of HR admin with smart features that keep you focused on your team and goals. Designed for startups and SMBs, it offers powerful tools and flexible subscription plans that fit your business without breaking the bank.